Heath Visitors

Hours of Availability

Monday to Friday – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Contact Detail

For information, advice or an appointment, the Health Visitors can be contacted on: 0333 358 3654.

If we are unavailable there is an answer phone service, please leave a message, we will contact you as soon as possible, this may not be the same day.

Health Visiting Service Top

Your health visitor is a qualified nurse who has had extra training to become a health visitor. Part of their role is to help families, especially families with babies and young children, to avoid illness and keep healthy. Health visitors are part of a team offering screening and developmental checks as part of the Healthy Child Programme.

Your health visitor will usually contact you for the first time around 10 to 14 days after your baby is born. They will then be available for your family to discuss any concerns you might have, including breastfeeding or general baby and toddler feeding, and your child’s behaviour, up to five years of age. They will be able to offer advice and suggest where to find help. They may also be able to put you in touch with groups where you can meet other parents.

Your health visitor is available to you as well as your children, and can help if you are feeling anxious or depressed.

Your health visitor can visit you at home, or you can see them by appointment at the Child Health Clinic, or at Surestart Children’s Centres.

Child Health Clinics Top

Child health clinics are run by health visitors who offer health and development reviews. You can talk about any problems to do with your child, but if your child is ill and is likely to need treatment, you should go to your GP.

Information Sources

Association for Post-natal illness (APNI) – www.apni.org

Birth to five book – www.dh.gov.uk.

Family Information Service – www.shropshire.gov.uk

Parentline Plus – www.parentlineplus.org.uk

Parents and health visitors in partnership – www.healthvisitors.com

Every Child Matters – www.dcsf.gov.uk

Shropshire County PCT – www.shropshirepct.nhs.uk